Following on from our “Arduino: Open Software, Open Hardware” tutorial at LCA in Hobart, Hugh Blemings and I have now started work on a book about Arduino projects for Apress. The book title may change at publication time but for now we’re calling it “Practical Arduino“. Our objective is to demonstrate practical applications for a wide range of Arduino form factors and accessories, so we’ll be covering serial comms, RFID, Bluetooth, servo control, Zigbee, X10, ultrasonics, GPS, RF data links, OBD, mass storage, DMX, wearables, accelerometers, and pretty much anything else we can think of. The idea is that readers will be able to either build the projects exactly as presented in the book or to learn from them and take snippets of various designs to use as building blocks in their own projects. As we work through the process of writing the book we’ll provide updates right here about our progress.